Sunday, September 19, 2010

A long time...

sorry the posts are becoming fewer and farther between. i am swamped! school pretty much consumes me on a regular basis. fortunately my dad now takes zander to school in the morning which is a HUGE help! it saves my mornings! then my mom comes over on mwf to stay with ro and jade so they don't have to come with me to pick z up. that is also huge! but now everything else in the world has started....i'm leading a bible study, started an online photoshop class, volunteering at the seminary, and oh yea, started a home business! what was i thinking?! i recently got laid off due to budget constraints at the seminary, that's why its called volunteering...:( i just couldn't walk away from what i do there yet. but now i'm in desperate need of income cause we are about to move. (which is a whole other issue...might be getting a completely different house) so i was looking at what i like doing and well, people kept suggesting photography. so i started it up. and i have a website - and already signing up people! i'm trying to build my portfolio right now so i'm offering major discounts. so if you live in san diego....hit me up!
btw... zander is loving school. he LOVES mandarin and is still doing well. although last week he had a sinus infection and was out THREE days...really!? second week? already?! of and zander are both doing awana and ro loves being a real cubbie this year. jade is my best photo subject right now and a complete ham! she's growing up so fast and her vocabulary is unbelievable! she talks ina few sentences even. she so didn't get that from me! :)
please please please visit my website!

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