so on monday we decided to go to julian, ca to see the apple orchards and experience a little bit of fall. we've heard great things about it so off we went. ben googled directions and ended up taking us the LONGEST way possible there. 1 hr 45 minutes. we just kept laughing the whole time cause it was ridiculous! we finally got there and went to king leo's, a candy store. as we stepped out of the car, the wind sent us flying! it was so cold!!!! so we quickly ran in, bought some candy and ran bck out. still dumb....then we finally made it to the 'town'...umm...i swear it was hickory corners. ben's like we drove two hours for this?! it's famous for the apple pies (which actually are flown in from wa!) and we didn't even get apple pie. we ate at the 'deli' and filled ourselves with tostidos, burritos, and corndogs. yes, we're cheap. then the kids rode horses which they both loved. then finally we headed to the apple orchard to pick our own apples. ok, first off, it's $10 a bag to pick your own apples....and ronan fell asleep in the car so he was out and we're parading up and down the orchard. ok the other part, is that the apples are the size of peanuts. peanuts i tell you!!!! again ben and i have to laugh cause it's just a sad, weird trip. so we head home and i was trying to find all the pictures that i took on the camera. apparently i accidentally reformatted the card...deleting everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so what little redemption there was from this trip, my precious pictures, are GONE!!!!!!! i was really ready to cry. then i started getting sick...not pregnancy sick, but food poisoning sick...i was the only one who ate the about 30 minutes into the trip home (which only took an hour after we figured it out) on the curvey road from hell, i made ben pull over and puke my brains out. yup, that was nice. all in a wind storm too so it was flying all over and my gum ended up in my hair!
oh what a good trip....ahh julian, you are a waste of my time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
then tuesday i had my 'irregular mole' cut out of my thigh. and oh that was joyous. big deep bullet hole looking cut. and it won't stop bleeding.
well it sure is fun times over here in the annen household!!!!!!!!!!