Thursday, December 16, 2010
A coming of age...
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Zander's Hip Hop
Monday, December 6, 2010
o where o where has my little brain gone?
so updates on the kiddies....zander is doing great at school. he loves every moment of it! he's reading books now and is speaking chinese all the time. it freaks me out a little...not going to lie...he absolutely loves where we live now and loves that he lives in a 'cul''d'SACK'. we have tons of neighbors with kids and zander adores playing with them. he'll just go sit in the front yard until someone comes out...slightly frightening...but cute. :)
ronan is still my little pistol. he's a different kid when zander is at school. he and jade are becoming quite the buddies. they play well together until zander comes home...then they all fight. he's still peeing on himself randomly but at least he pretty much changes himself when he does it. i don't know what else to do with that. he peed in the trash can in his room the other day...five feet from the bathroom...grr...he's singing all the time now and i love it. he heard a recording of ben singing and now he sings that song at the top of his lungs. i'll even hear him outside belting it out on the swing all by himself. :)
jade is growing up toooooo quickly! she's so grown up and talking all the time! she loves loves loves to dance. she will shake her bon bon for anyone. she's been diagnosed with exzema (no idea how to spell that) all over her face and chest. we have to keep her lathered up on lotions to try to help. i think its the dry air and running the heater all the time. but other than the itchiness she's doing ok with it.
ben is in vegas as i mentioned for training for work. training...yea right. he's just gone a few days but i'm already missing him. he's loving work and doing a great job still. he's got less than a year till he gets is bachelor's degree too! wooo hooo! that's exciting to me!
umm...i'm still doing photography. i have my business license and my name is officially registered. i've been really busy with the christmas card season but i really love what i'm doing. please please please give me a call if you want some shots taken! so that's it with the annens....i can't promise more updates but i'll try!
Friday, November 19, 2010
Christmas Cards and Ideas
Its that time of year! while i'm busy snapping people's pictures for christmas cards, i have done a little research on cute, affordable, and high quality christmas cards and photo gifts. I'm really happy with SHUTTERFLY's brand new holiday line. Its one stop shopping for all the stuff i need for photo gifts. and let's face it, photo gifts will always be great gifts! i haven't taken our family picture yet, but i'm already planning it around which card i like the best. i really like this one but then again, there are so many to chose from. head over to their site to see which one might fit your needs for christmas! and oma and opa, or any of my other distant relatives, if you see some other gift you might be interested it, please let me know! :) I love getting everyone’s Christmas cards every year in the mail! I love seeing how each child has grown or where the creativity behind where each family has taken their picture. So make sure you update us with our new address! We’d hate to miss seeing your smiling faces!
Christmas photo cards to
· holiday photo cards to
· Christmas ornaments to
· desk calendars to
· photo albums to
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
We are HOME!

Monday, October 25, 2010
We moved!!!
Monday, October 4, 2010
everything's flying!
jade talks non stop and cracks me up. she is truly the center of the world and is constantly looking for ways to make people laugh! i wanna squish her on a regular basis. ronan is still trying, but turning into a wonderful little man. he's as handsome as all get out and i we are having precious time together now that zander is at school. but he misses his brother something fierce during the day! i love them all and i can honestly say we are at a happy place! praise God for that!
Friday, September 24, 2010
FINALLY on the house
remember, check out the website! !
Sunday, September 19, 2010
A long time...
btw... zander is loving school. he LOVES mandarin and is still doing well. although last week he had a sinus infection and was out THREE days...really!? second week? already?! of and zander are both doing awana and ro loves being a real cubbie this year. jade is my best photo subject right now and a complete ham! she's growing up so fast and her vocabulary is unbelievable! she talks ina few sentences even. she so didn't get that from me! :)
please please please visit my website!
Monday, September 13, 2010
Zander's first soccer Game!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010
New Beginnings

waiting to get her ears pierced...

Saturday, September 4, 2010
Photography Portfolio
Monday, August 30, 2010
Disneyland, Swimming, and House
then on saturday we headed off to disneyland. we decided it was probably the last free saturday we have before school starts and soccer, etc. so off we went! it was tons of fun especially since jade can ride most of the rides now. she was hilarious. i'll post pics soon. the boys loved it too and i think they're favorite was the swings in california adventure. zander absolutely loved it. they're still recouping from getting home at midnight. ronan has turned into a monster and i think its just the lack of sleep catching up with him. hopefully it will fade soon since we don't have much going this week. poor thing...poor me...:) hahah...
and then finally...the latest in crappy house news. our realtor took his contractor and went out to the house today to get a personal appraisal on the mold. $4000....great. our realtor thinks if we offer to pay for the mold that the process will move along quicker. however, our realtor was TICKED when he got to the house and saw that they hadn't done any of the repairs and that they had ruined the brand new carpet. i was SOOO glad he finally gotten out there and seen what we have been complaining about. so he called the bank and got rowdy. thank goodness. so the bank told our realtor to get his appraisor to do the whole house and then report to them for how much he would charge. and then hopefully our realtors contractor will take over everything and get done QUICK. sooo...we were supposed to close tomorrow but instead the closing has been moved till sept. 22. blah....
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
I have a swimmer!
as for the house, its just a disaster....i have driven by the house three times this week (its by the swim lessons house) and they have DONE NOTHING! no repairs, nothing. nothing nothing nothing. we are supposed to close tuesday. SOOOO not going to happen! i have no idea how long they can string us a long but i'm getting so discouraged and frustrated. our realtor said we will get this house, long will it take?! :( so ready to move!
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Oh POOP....literally
Friday, August 20, 2010
SERIOUSLY?! to rady's. my mother joined me and we went through the same thing again. the doc saw him and said she could sew him up. but i had already been told he would need plastics. but i sat there silent. however, thank the good lord my mother spoke up and said that we wanted the plastic surgeon to look at it. PHEW! go mom! so the same guy who did ronan the first time came back and said yes we needed plastics. so, one more surgery, one more recovery, one more cut and bruise for my baby. i'm emotional....and did i mention ben works tomorrow? blah.
and because i've been asked for a house update...let me just tell you this...on tuesday the first injury day the realtor said he didn't think we'd close till mid september cause the bank still hasn't STARTED the repairs. POOP! then today the realtor said he thinks we will still get the house but that we should start looking at new houses just in case. seriously? i just can't take anymore of this rollercoaster!
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Oh what a day!

Sunday, August 15, 2010
Something Concrete!
but on top of all that jade is just miserable. she's teething four teeth, she's had a fever since friday night, and now she's just crying all the time. so i took her to the doctor and its nothing. another virus. i think i'm going to start using virus as an excuse for everything. just like doctors! oh, the dishes didn't get washed? sorry...i had a virus. oh the food tastes like poop? sorry, it must have a virus. bla bla bla...stupid viruses....anyways, its probably like what ronan had three weeks ago. he had a high fever with nothing else. jade's is not that high, but enough to make her miserable. ...oh and did i mention that ben's tooth is going crazy and he nearly passed out from the pain on the way home from lunch today....and my back has been out for four days...which is fun with a daughter he wants to be held all the time. yes, i'd like some cheese with my whine....:)
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Saturday, July 31, 2010
All grown up!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Ronan's version of potty training
Friday, July 23, 2010
Where's your toothbrush been?
but he is still using the potty perfectly! just a diaper at night! woo hoo!
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Saturday, July 17, 2010
on a positive note, ro is in underwear! wooo hooo! just pull ups at night! go ro!!!!!!
Sunday, July 11, 2010
Insects, snakes, frogs....

Tuesday, July 6, 2010
Zander ponderings
Set your minds at ease.....
btw...potty training 101 with ronan, well...SUCKS! he has no problem peeing on himself.