well i couldn't even get up the energy to divulge the details of my horrid day yesterday. i was just emotionally pooped....so on sunday ben's face started swelling and he had a lot of pain in his tooth. i really have never seen ben in so much pain before. i honestly thought he was going to pass out on the way home from lunch! so monday i made him go to the dentist because when he woke up his face was really swollen! so the dentist said he had a tooth that was absessed and he needed to go to a specialist. however, he couldn't get an appointment till thursday morning. but....then on tuesday morning he woke up and could barely talk and his face was like the elephant man! so called the dentist again and they said he needed to get in ASAP with the specialist...so off he went. while he was on his way to the dentist, i was at home, umm...in the bathroom talking to my mom on the phone. all of a sudden i heard the scream and then zander came running telling me ro was hurt. (mind you, jade was sleeping during this cause she was still getting over her four days of high fever....thank God for this....) ronan came around the corner and his head was covered in blood. i saw it was coming from his ear...so i jumped up and turned his head to see....through his ear! the top of his ear was completely split in two and i could see through it! i quickly grabbed toliet paper and covered his ear. then i started to panic/think. i sat down with ronan and realized i was in my swimsuit (we were headed for swim class soon).....i didn't want to put hiim down though...so my mom was at work for professional development...and ben was at the dentist!!! sooo...i called my dad and said simply "i need you to come over now!" so my dad came over and and held ronan while i got dressed and packed the diaper bag. ronan was doing really well and barely crying at this point. so i called my friend melissa and asked her to take zander to swim class and she readily agreed and came and got zander. zander was quiet and amazingly calm but later i found out how badly it shook him to see his brother hurt. who can blame him!? he is such a sensitive soul...but big thanks to melissa for watching him and taking him to lunch.
ok, back to ronan....i packed up jade, ronan, and my dad and headed to the urgent care. we sat there for over and hour (it's 11 am now if you're wondering) and were told that ronan's cut was too deep into his cartilidge to just stitch him up there and that he needed to go to rady's children's ER. so off we went. and by that time ben was done getting his GOLF BALL SIZED absess drained and meet us at the ER. he stayed with us long enough to find out that ro was going to have to be sedated and the surgery would be around 2:30 pm. (it was 11:45) so ben, my dad and jade went home and i stayed with ronan for the longest day ever. ronan was a huge trooper and the nurses fell in love with his sweet face and spirit. but it was BORING to sit in a hospital bed for that long! he watched two movies and was ready to twitch. so we went for a walk and saw the hospital's service dog that goes and visits children in the hospital. ronan absolutely loved that! and it helped the time pass. finally at 3:15 it was time for his surgery. neither of us had eaten and i was dying! i had not eaten breakfast either...so i got to stay with him till he went under and then i ran next door for mcdonalds. his surgery lasted 20 minutes and then was done. however, when he came out of the anesthesia was HILARIOUS! i grabbed my phone to take a video (like youtube dentist boy) and it died...POOP! but ronan had some stinkin' funny moments. i can't repeat some of them but i was laughing for over an hour! now he's doing great and for that i'm so happy. he and ben are both on the mend! tomorrow ro and i go to the plastic surgeon again to see how his ear is doing.
here are a few pics from the day
Ronan waiting to be seen at urgent care. u can see the pain in his face. :(

1 comment:
Can I just say, Larissa...i definitely do not envy the drama that happens around ur house!! hahaha! Hope everything heals up really well for everyone around!! U need a day, girl!
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