tonight was the first time in a LONG time that we had friends over for dinner. i always get stressed thinking i have to have it all perfect. its hard for me to just focus on the time with friends and not worry about the food and presentation. sound familiar? some people are just born hostesses...they thrive on it...not me. i can count on ONE hand the number of times we've had people over. its sad. i always second guess my cooking and think that its not good enough for other people to eat. but tonight i bucked it up and made some food (i didn't even get carry out aren't you proud?!) and made my famous bbq chicken. a favored meal of my mother in law and mom. so i figured it was safe to pass. plus for five kids it was an easy pleaser also. it was a great night and easy. ben is amazing at helping me clean up so the after math is super simple. however, my insane children were beyond crazy tonight. ronan was throwing toys and spitting water...and weirdly enough was FIERCELY protective of all of jade's toys. he did NOT want the other little girls playing with her stuff. zander was crazy also emptying every container of toys there was, jumping on me, begging for candy, etc. it was all just weird. but all in all a great time.
the above pics are from the famous annual vday picture session.
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