why is it that Ronan and jade are going to end up being potty trained at the same time?! that's wrong...just wrong. Ronan is still peeing on himself freely and lately even pooping. And jade is obsessed with the toliet and wants to sit on her little potty around the clock. i literally have to take the toliet paper out of the bathroom to make her stop and leave. she's crazy, but so much easier than that boys. however she does think that going to the bathroom is 'pooping' regardless of what is actually coming out of her.
on a fun note, i have to give a shot out to my favorite new products. Suave Dry Shampoo - AMAZING and cheap! for my crazy oil freakiness i love this. Philadelphia Cream Cheese Cooking sauces! - Just add veggies and meat and its soooo good. put it over rice or noodles...oh my good. and of course, the movie TANGLED! oh my word my kids want to watch it around the clock. such a cute movie with classicaly good disney music!
And lastly, i'm the proud foster mom to two baby chicks. they are adorable. I am doing a photoshoot on April 2 and 9th and we are going to have baby chicks and a little bunny. Fun easter mini-shoots. If you're around come check it out! $39 and you get a free 8x10 with that! i can't wait! i'm teaming up with lisamillerphotos.com so you'll have two photographers with different artistic expressions. anyways, the kids are obsessed with the chicks and ronan literally cries and cries when i tell him its time to put them down. poor thing. their names are Fuzzy and Wuzzy. :) anyone want them when we're done?! :)
Thursday, March 31, 2011
Monday, March 14, 2011
All in the Details

This is a picture taken this March for Jade's 2nd bday. Its the beautiful details in this picture that makes it one of my favorites. I love the tree branches and the back lighting. I'm entering it in a little contest from www.lovethatshot.com.

Thursday, March 3, 2011
oh ronan...
well he did it again. he cut his flippin' hair. this time he stole scissors and hid under his bed and chopped the heck out of his hair. i mean chopped....chopped...i quickly made an appointment to get his hair fixed but not till friday night. while i was getting the kids ready for bed, ben decided to take things into his own hands and gave ronan a mohawk. i have to say i kind of like it. ugh...which doesn't help the whole "STOP CUTTING YOUR HAIR!" scenario. when he was 6 months old he had a mohawk too and he was such a cutie baby with it. and again now...he just looks cute. he's got the personality for it i guess. but i swear if he cuts his stinkin' hair again i'm going to lose my mind!
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Jade and Allergies

today we took jade for her allergy testing finally. and of course, she tested negative to everything. EVERYTHING. on a good note, we get to keep mollie. on a bad note, we still have no idea why she has random bouts of eczema. so i guess its back to the drawing board. but at least we've ruled some things out which is always good. but man, she is a spit fire! she power napped on the way home from the doctor for 15 minutes and then refused to go to sleep when it was nap time. she laid in there for two hours!!!!!! she took her hair out, took her shirt off, threw her paci, and just annoyed me. i am so tired! so all day she slept no more than 15 minutes. we then had to go get the car, go pick up pictures, get food for small group tomorrow and then finish a week of homework we forgot to do! and by we, i mean zander.
and then there are the disturbing things i witnessed today! first off, we can all be surprised that it was from ronan. i saw him blow snot out his nose and then lean over to let mollie lick it off. i seriously almost threw up everything i'd eaten today! then later in the day ronan blew his nose on jade's shirt!!!!! what the heck?! i'm raising a small animal i think. he's crazy. and then he just looks at me and laughs like he did the coolest thing. gross gross gross!
the above pics i took of the boys just in case you didn't see them on facebook.
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