Well this weekend we headed to disney for Zander's birthday. we drove down friday night and went to disney all day on saturday and sunday. A dear friend of ours got us tickets so that was a HUGE lifesaver! we spent the whole day on saturday with our friends stacy, chris, and their daughters aspen, leila, and saige. it was so much fun to go with another family and to share in all the line standing together. the day didn't start out well with ben accidentally leaving our camera on the trolley and it got stolen. so we had to buy a disposable camera at disney for $20!!!!!!! oh that was hard to purchase! so the pics aren't so good...:( well, sunday we went to disney with just our family and had fun also. Zander truly loved every minute of being there. his favorite rides were nemo and star tours (much to his daddy's happiness). he was such a big boy and went on his first roller coaster too...but when that was done he looked up at his daddy with big eyes and said "me no like that daddy." poor little thing. but he tried just about everything. ronan took everything in with big eyes too. he was such a darling and did so well. he slept in the stroller or our arms and went on quite a few of the rides.
all in all it was a great time together. we were so blessed to be able to go up there for two days!
today was zander's actual bday and we decorated the house in dinos for him. we also made dino cookies with cookie cutters oma sent. so when he got up he was so excited and loved opening his presents. we then went to the zoo with my mom for the day. zander loved that too. at small group tonight the kids put dino tattoos on and had fun with that. tomorrow gee gee and papaw are coming over for cake and ice cream. my mom made an amazing dino cake for zander too.
how do i have a three year old already?! it's crazy!!! anyways, here's some pics from disney...
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