Thursday, October 15, 2009

a magical moment

today has been a nightmare. when ronan is sick and on meds he's just a royal terro. it's a LONG LONG day with him. and to make things worse, jade has puss in her ear so more antibiotics for her. good times. anyways, this afternoon jade was SCREAMING and SCREAMING! i was absolutely lost and unable to soothe her. i was trying to put her to sleep but she just went balistic. i was in her room rocking her and just bawling...i knew she was uncomfortable but i did not know what else to do for her. i was just done....and in walks my holy terror ronan. ok first off, he knows not to come into jade's room when i put her to already he was doing bad...BUT, he walked up to me and laid his little head on my knee and took my hand. i started singing to jade and he sang with me. it was the most percious moment in my book of moments....he calmed me down, was sweet as could be...and little jade felll asleep to our singing. absolutely magic moment. i needed that...thank you jesus.


Ann Tepfers DoTerra Essential Oils said...

I totally teared up reading that. It has been a horrific week for all. I am glad it's over. Love you!

A Davis said...

love that!