Monday, June 23, 2008

Happy Birthday Ronan!!!

I can't believe my dear little chubbo is one already! Sunday was his big bday! unfortunately friday he came down with his fifth ear infection in four months! saturday night his fever spiked to 104 and we were so worried about the little guy! i couldn't get his fever down for the life of me! fortunately it lowered by the morning but ben stayed home from church with him anyways. that night my parents came over and my friend gina who ronan is in love with! we had cake and ice cream and it was a laid back fun time. i'm so not into parties for little kids anymore. they definitely do not remember all the work i put into it!!!
ronan was cute trying to learn to open presents although zander did most of the work for him. it was terribly hard for zander to not be the center of attention and to not get to open the presents himself. but he was a trooper and my parents got him a little sword and a new book so that helped.
i adore my boys and it's so hard to see them sick. little ronan was so lathargic that it was scary. he was falling alseep in my arms every five minutes. but there is something about that feeling of knowing you are the only person in the world that he wants at that exact moment. i love when he wraps his little chubby arms around me and holds on for dear life. what a special gift we are given as mothers.
the shower we gave for melissa on saturday went really well. we had an outdoor tea minus the tea since it was 100 degrees! things were sweating that shouldn't have been sweating! it was brutally hot! but a good time was had by all and i got to know some of the ladies from my new church more which was nice. but man did it make me want a girl even more!!!! there was soooo much pink! ahhh!
well, i'm off to bed since i have to take my parents to the airport early tomorrow. joy bliss.

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