How are the holidays already here?! it's insane to me how quickly my life is flying by since adding children! thanksgiving was rather uneventful except that it rained and rained keeping us from going to our usual park day. that made for some very stir crazy little boys and a very stir crazy little husband. we rented wall-e and kung fu panda but eventually the boys were at each other. finally that evening we went to my parents for dinner which was truly yummy. mom does the turkey and her low carb side dishes for her and dad, and i do the side dishes for my fam. it was so funny to watch ronan eat his first thanksgiving dinner. last year he was too young. this year he devoured it and loved the stuffing and mashed potatoes. he's such a food lover. zander well, he still picks and choses. but he does love his pumpkin pie.
the day after thanksgiving ben finally had it off! it was the first time since we've been together that he's had it off. it was very nice! we went to walmart and target and then a second walmart. finally we went to veijas (outlet shopping center). the boys were really good but definitely done with shopping by the afternoon. however we did get all our shopping done so that made me happy! i've got a few things to make online but that's it. by the evening i was truly pooped. my feet were so swollen and my hips, ankles, everything were all in so much pain i could barely move. but...zander was begging to put up the tree. we've always put it up while they were sleeping but for some unknown reason i decided to do it with the kids. i'm so stupid. ronan immediately threw a brand new glass ornament, breaking it everywhere (darth vader none the less! ) and cried for the next hour as we said "no ronan, no ronan, no ronan" to just about everything he did. halfway through i heard zander in the bathroom followed by a loud crash. he had knocked over a glass vase filled with glass ornaments all over the bathroom. it was just the end of a crappy night! from now on there will be no more kids involved till their fifteen!
we also did our christmas card pics the night before. so here's some candid shots that i didn't edit. so they're a little bright and washed out.

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