Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Feeling better!

i am finally feeling better and haven't thrown up anymore! woo hoo! i went to the zoo with my friend today and now my hips are falling apart, but nothing serious. the boys loved getting out and the really warm weather helped them to take LONG naps! it was fabulous! tonight when ben got home the boys were ready to run! i absolutely love watching ben play with the boys. he throws them around, chases them, wrestles with them, and they just squeal with delight. he tied a blanket around ronan for a super hero cape and ronan thought that was the best thing ever. he ran laps around the dining room table screaming. it was so cute. and zander started bawling when ben left for worship practice. that makes my heart full because i know my boys have a wonderful, hands on father. how truly blessed i am!

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