Thursday, June 18, 2009

Only Ronan

Only ronan can try to potty train himself, and still make me crazy! he's been obsessed with going potty by himself lately. but it's only when he's getting his diaper changed cause he's already gone bathroom. so then he wants to go sit on the potty....and sit.....and sit.....and sit........ i swear he's going to pop a gonad with as hard as he pushes to get some form of pee or poop out. it's weird. today i had to threaten to leave him at home to go to the park cause he wouldn't get out of the potty. and he'd been there for over 1/2 hour. and no, i don't sit there the whole time but if i do venture out to go check on the rest of life, the boy dumps three pounds of toliet paper down the toliet the minute i walk away. so i've had to hide the toliet paper in the bathroom! HIDE TOLIET PAPER! good weirdly enough he has pooped in the toliet a few times and peed. the child is not even two yet! it weirds me out. i'm not ready to deal with this and him right now. but apparently he poops in the bathtub just as much....who knows...with ronan it could just be a phase.

1 comment:

Adrienne said...

Waylon is doing the exact same thing! Reading your blog when your talking about Ronan is like reading about Waylon...boy do we have our hands full! :)