Saturday, September 19, 2009

the big snip

so in case you didn't know, it's a little tmi time. last friday ben was supposed to get the big snip to prevent more children entering the annen family. on thursday we started talking and decided that we had not thoroughly prayed about this, and we were making the decision based on bad stressful days with the kids and not calm, deep thinking. we're too fresh in the baby stage to see or think straight! am i saying we're going to have a 4th? probably not....but i don't want to eliminate the possiblity just yet. i didn't feel a peace at all and i think it's cause i didn't really consult God's direction in this at all. it was just a decision we jumped too. we have our girl so gosh darnit we should be done. :) but we'll leave that up to God and in a year we'll approach the subject no, ben is NOT off the hook yet!!!
ps...i love my kids. they are good good kids. they have their faults, but they are good. i don't care what anyone else ever tells me.


A Davis said...

i have TOTAL PEACE about ben doing this (my ben), but he's freaked. dangit.

Adrienne said...

I agree it's easy to make a hasty decision in the midst of the baby craziness! We are definitly there!!! :)