Thursday, November 5, 2009

10 things you didn't know about me

i've been tagged. here are 10 completely random things about me!

1. i am totally obsessed with miley cyrus/hannah montana music and well...clothes.
2. sometimes when i walk by the couch and their are toys or garbage around it, i might actually kick it under the couch instead of cleaning it up.
3. parking garages stress me out to no end. low ceilings, close cars, scary!
4. if i find crumbs on the table i have a tendency to eat them as opposed to throwing them away. gross, i know. who knows how long they've been there.
5. i hate the smell of ketchup after it's been out for a while. like smeared on a plate in the sink.
6. i dream about food a lot. i love food. i love eating.
7. my humor is the equivalent of a middle school boy. ok, maybe you already know that about me.
8. i love weird shows like bones, fringe, and anything sci fi.
9. i would LOVE to learn kickboxing or boxing or anything violent.
10. i want desperately to grow up and be a hairdresser.