Sunday, March 7, 2010

Ice Skating Helmets?!

saturday i took zander to his first ice skating class. i was NOT prepared for the humor going through my mind at the sight i saw. first off there was seven hundred people trying to get on the ice for the seven scheduled classes at the same time. and most of them were little kids. so yes, ten minutes of your 30 minute class was spent waiting to get them on the ice. nice. then i saw helmets. bike helmets. oh lordy i almost peed my pants. these kids are learning to basically wiggle their little feet across the ice. there is no speed skating, jumping, or throwing the kids...nope...they are spending most of the time on their butts. but please, put helmets on them?! and yet they have little thing gloves on...last time i checked the biggest injuries were caused by getting your fingers run over by the blades!!!! so maybe you should have put your kids in hockey gloves. NOT BIKE HELMETS! in the midwest they throw kids out on lakes to ice skate...they're not worried about head injuries, not even the fact that they could fall through the ice....nope...they're normal not these nut job cali moms. :)
secondly....i am utterly and miserably depressed. i do not know whats going on with me, but the thought of my baby girl turning one is just killer to me. i am so emotional about it! i start bawling every time i think about it! my baby, my little last leaving the baby stage. her little cuddly squishy time is disappearing quickly. i just can't take it. :( sooo stinkin' sad...she's also taking steps by herself now. just a few but usually she gets so excited she just launches herself at you. that makes me sad too. almost walking....ugh...too emotional. gotta stop talking now...

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