We had another great family day today. It's always so nice to have Ben home with us. We've started a family tradition of going to the park in the morning. This year we went to Big Rock Park in Santee. We got a ton of cute pictures of the boys. ok, well ronan cause zander wouldn't cooperate.

Then we came home and ate lunch, took baths, and put the boys to bed for naps. I went to cooking the mashed potatoes, stuffing, greenbean casserole and rice crispie treats. after teh boys woke up we went to my parents for thansgiving dinner. man there was too much food! We ate like little crazy people. Zander was more interested in playing then eating. he did like the turkey though. I really missed the rest of the family though. it was nice to hear from tim, jill and from the newly potty trained preston.

right now ben and i are finally relaxing and watching the movie "Hairspray" <--very good, and getting ready for the early morning and day full of shopping. i have my lists, coupons, and mapped out driving route. pray for me and dragging around the two boys! blah!!!
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