Saturday, August 2, 2008

tonsils and ears

this week has been so tough! on tuesday i came down with a fever and HUGE tonsils! HUGE HUGE tonsils! swallowing, eating, sleeping...all gone. it is now saturday and my tonsils are still swollen. i'm miserable. wednesday i had to drag my butt to ronan's doctor to find out about his ears. and yes, it's tubes for him. he can barely hear a thing. which i still find weird cause he's doing pretty good with language. a lot better than zander did. so the poor little guy's surgery will be august 12. pray for him please!!
but after being sick for a week my house is a disaster, my life is a disaster, and i'm feeling so incompetent as a mother/wife. grrr....i'm just frustrated. the dishes are piling, the laundry, the crumbs. it's so frustrating. and if i don't get a good nights sleep i'm going to cry!!
ok i'm off.


Lacey Rumley said...

Awww, Larissa, I wished you lived closer (i.e. not all the way across the country), so I could come clean your house and give you a break! Don't feel bad about having a messy house when you're sick! Did you see my blog this week? My house was trashed, and I don't have tonsilitis! Get some rest, girl!

Anonymous said...

Seriously, you will be so glad you got the tubes for him! Vinnie got them after he had a couple ear infections and hasn't had one since and has hardly been sick. And I think he could hear a lot better after he got them.

Tubes are magical and wonderful and every child should come with them!