Monday, January 11, 2010

the house of the plague

well we've been through the ringer at the annen household! i really felt like there were days i was going to go play in traffic, but we are on the mend. after all the cold respiratory crap, we were all starting to get ears are still plugged which causes a lot of dizziness, but the cough is gone which is HUGE for me. cause coughing with ear infections is not fun. ronan and jade are doing much better! jade had a second round of antibiotics with her ears but she's doing great now. however, saturday night zander got super sick and was vomiting like crazy. the kind were you can't even roll over or stand up without throwing up. he threw up on my carpet, my bed, and off the top bunk. oh my...that was insane. we put him on the floor beside us and he just clung to my hand the whole night. fortunately it was only that night. he was doing better by sunday evening and completely better by today. i have washed and washed and washed some more and lysoled the whole house and then did it again. i am praying hard for jade and ronan and that they won't get it. i now need to get back to the doctor to get my ears checked and figure out why i can't hear. but today is way better than even a few days ago.
a few more updates....jade turned 10 months on sunday and has just filled this house with joy. she is hilarious and is always trying to find someone to look at her to laugh with her. she climbs up the stairs, claps her hands, waves, and tries to climb into the bottom bunk to get to ronan. she is getting much better with ronan and playing with him. they love playing together in the play house in the living room. i love to hear her laugh. she adores her daddy and just lights up when he's anywhere near. if she's taking a bottle and he comes home, she's done with me and quits eating. he has to finish for her.
also ben and i have joined a gym and are working out with some friends. we alternate nights, husbands one night, wives the next. i'm excited but nervous too. i've done one night and ben two nights. my ears are creating a small issue but i'm still determined. so wish us luck! now if i could just curb my appetite. :)

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