after being away from mi for a while, i now again realize i can never go back. man that state would be hard to live in again. there are maybe 4 starbucks in the whole city! and the whole time i was there the humidity was over 90%! are you kidding me?! i've decided i didn't have oily skin growing up, it was just the humidity. and don't get me started with my hair....jade had yet to see/hear rain (cause in mi you definitely "HEAR" rain), let alone thunder. and boy were there thunder storms. but she slept through those too. on sunday though when i left it was 93% and 92% humidity! let me say it again...WILL NEVER LIVE THERE AGAIN! yup, i'm a california snob now!
ok back to the trip...
saturday i went to lunch with my family at mcdonalds and my bro tim and his wife jill got to meet jade for the first time. man i miss my family.
saturday night was my 10 year high school reunion. man was i stinkin' nervous! my darling friend erika and i went together and got there early to help set up and do registration. all in all the night was great and way more people showed up than i thought would. there are lots of stories but i will save you them since most of you could probably care less. the best part of the whole night was my hs crush showed up and looked like poop. ahh...sweet justice. a BIG thank you to oma and opa for watching jade during this time! and jay and cheryl too! funny story...while i was at the reunion jay and cheryl's (ben's bro and sis in law) dog trooper who's three months, stole my bra and went off in the house. apparently the dog lost a tooth on my bra and bled on it! haha...sorry funny to me. well oma washed my bra for me so when i came home there it was hanging on my car seat! fabulous! but hey, my bra got washed! good thing i don't embaress easily.
sunday i went to my old church richland bible church! i always love going there. it was good to see some of my old kids again. they are so old! which then makes me feel old! after church i headed to ben's family (and yes, after 8 years still met a new relative...) for lunch. man can those people cook! gotta love meals with all of them! then off to the airport!
the flight home sucked! from detroit to san diego is 4 1/2 hours anyways, but we sat on the tar mat for over an hour! so it turned into 6 hours of sitting with jade! by the time we came home my back was shot. all day today i thought i was going to lose it with how painful it was. blah....
hopefully tomorrow will be better.
i thoroughly enjoyed squeezing my boys again! i missed them soooo much!
here's just a few pics.
a few girls from my old middle school small group at richland bible church. chelyan and emily! i love these girls so much!
working the registration table at my reunion! claire, erika and i!

1 comment:
How fun! IT is true for me too Larissa- I can never live in MI again. I lived there for 24 yrs and going back now is a bit hard. HUMID is an understatement. It never bothered me as a kid. Now my hair goes crazy, I am a sweaty, greasy mess by days end. Out here in Utah we have zero humidy days. Love it! I do miss my family dearly though. I wish that I could convince everyone to move out West, don't you? Na
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