Monday, December 10, 2007

'Tis the Season

You gotta love Christmas time when you have kids. It's just so much fun to see it through their eyes! We've taken Zander to see Christmas lights and he gets so excited about it. He says their "beautiful" in his own little way. more like "boo -ti- fool". He also went crazy tonight with excitement because his aunt cheryl and cousin jake sent him snow flakes!!!! Thank you so much guys for taking the time to cut out all the snow flakes. we hung them around the living room and zander loves showing people his "snow".
Ronan and Ben are both sick now and i'm coming down with a sore throat. Blah! I'm sure I'll be in full blown sick mode just in time for next week with Tim and Jill coming. Such is my luck.
Tomorrow night is our small group christmas party and we're doing a white elephant exchange. I do have to say that my gift is widely inappropriate and i can't wait for someone to open it! I'll give you a hint, it was a wedding be used on the honeymoon. hahahah...i'm so funny!
Ben and I spent the last two hours wrapping gifts to be mailed to our family back home in michigan. it's tough to not be with them during the holidays. and man is there a lot of wrapping! :)
I think that's about it as far as updates go...umm...zander's hand is doing better and new skin is starting to form. so it's really pink and tender but doing well. He's still a major drama queen about it and cries about it whenever we tell him to do something he doesn't want to.
oh one last thing....tonight at the store i asked zander if he knew what a nutcracker was. I didn't say "nutcracker" i just said do you know what this is? and he said, "it's a cracker nut!" love that boy.

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