Monday, December 31, 2007
Happy New Year!
let's see...what's new with the boys...umm....ronan is still chowing away on solids. he's had sweet potatoes and green beans and loves them both. although mama doesn't like those diapers! zander is as cute as can be and is trying desperately hard to learn to say the "g" sounds. he usually says "dee dee" for his gma "gee gee". but he's getting a lot better.
well i guess that's all from here.
Friday, December 28, 2007
Christmas Pictures
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Christmas with the Family
Hope everyone else had a great christmas! we miss you all friends and family!
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Some Pictures
home again!
now there are loads of laundry to do so i'm off to do it. blah blah blah....
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Snow Snow and more Snow
tomorrow we're going to head to the children's museum i think. well, i'm off to bed.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Fun times with the pool
Ben got here tonight and i am SOOOO glad he's here. i am not cut out to be a single parent. he's truly my other half and i am incomplete without him. and the boys miss him terribly when he's not here. Ronan was soooo much happier once ben got here.
Well that's all for now!
Monday, December 17, 2007
Family and Vacation
Thursday, December 13, 2007
Sausage Fingers
and of course our fabulous small group!!
Monday, December 10, 2007
'Tis the Season
Ronan and Ben are both sick now and i'm coming down with a sore throat. Blah! I'm sure I'll be in full blown sick mode just in time for next week with Tim and Jill coming. Such is my luck.
Tomorrow night is our small group christmas party and we're doing a white elephant exchange. I do have to say that my gift is widely inappropriate and i can't wait for someone to open it! I'll give you a hint, it was a wedding be used on the honeymoon. hahahah...i'm so funny!
Ben and I spent the last two hours wrapping gifts to be mailed to our family back home in michigan. it's tough to not be with them during the holidays. and man is there a lot of wrapping! :)
I think that's about it as far as updates go...umm...zander's hand is doing better and new skin is starting to form. so it's really pink and tender but doing well. He's still a major drama queen about it and cries about it whenever we tell him to do something he doesn't want to.
oh one last thing....tonight at the store i asked zander if he knew what a nutcracker was. I didn't say "nutcracker" i just said do you know what this is? and he said, "it's a cracker nut!" love that boy.
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
The other night Zander went crazy and was doing a diaper dance in the living room for my parents. He was truly in rare form and was getting hyper right before bed. Hope you enjoy his weirdness! He definitely gets it from me!
Thursday, November 29, 2007
Fabulous Break

Zander also cracked me up yesterday too. we were driving in the car and i turned the radio up really loud and started singing. zander grabbed his ears, not covered them, just grabbed them, and screamed "FWEAK (freak) OUT MAMA! FWEAK OUT! turn it down!!!!" hahah...silly boy. he's so stinkin' cute. Also, everywhere we go zander gets so excited about christmas. today in target he started clapping his hands and yelling "christmas store, christmas store!" seriously, did i mention how cute he is? ok, one more funny story. when we were taking a walk, zander said he wanted snow cause it's christmas time. i tried to explain that there's no snow here in s.d. but he couldn't understand that. he said "no! snow clouds right there!" i told him there was snow where oma and opa lived and he said "ok, go see oma/opa, see snow now". :) sweet boy, someday i'm going to show him snow. ok, signing off for now.
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Christmas Fairies
Ronan's dedication
Thursday, November 22, 2007

Then we came home and ate lunch, took baths, and put the boys to bed for naps. I went to cooking the mashed potatoes, stuffing, greenbean casserole and rice crispie treats. after teh boys woke up we went to my parents for thansgiving dinner. man there was too much food! We ate like little crazy people. Zander was more interested in playing then eating. he did like the turkey though. I really missed the rest of the family though. it was nice to hear from tim, jill and from the newly potty trained preston.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Lost Love
Monday, November 19, 2007
Blah Blah Rant
on a positive note, i have the cutest boys in the world who keep me laughing. zander's oma and opa sent him some crafts to do and we worked on them tonight while ben was at class. (luckily i was able to not throw up on him!) it was a cute snowman and jonah thing.
only three more days till thanksgiving! wooo hooo!!!
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Friday, November 16, 2007
Attack of the killer birds

You don't see zander in the above picture cause he's hiding between her legs! :)
All in all, good day. Zander loves his geegee and loves spending the day with her. i'm so greatful she's in my boys' lives. I don't know what I'd do without her!
My secret weapon
also, for those of you who don't know, ben we are involved with a church plant called Legacy Church. Ben is leading the worship and i'm doing the nursery-2 yrs. it's been a huge challenge but very rewarding. this week i'm trying to figure out a craft to do for the kids for thanksgiving. that's right, i said craft. hold the shock and awe! (mum i need your help on this one! :) ) anyways, we're also getting ready for Ronan's dedication on the 25th of Nov. i forgot that when you're in charge of the youngin's the dedication also falls into your category of job responsibility. soo...i'm trying to get a mat that goes in a frame (because i can't think of what this is called) and i'm going to put "it takes a church, to raise a child..." on it and have the church members sign it. cool huh?
ben is trying to become a cop too....long story. but his physical test is tomorrow morning at six am! please pray that he can complete the 500 yard obstacle course in 3 1/2 minutes! i'll let you know what happens!
Thursday, November 15, 2007
I'm tired